Don’t Throw It Out—Upcycle!

by Totspot Team


New baby doesn’t have to mean new everything. In fact, the craftier parents among you will know the joys of “refurbishing” those beloved items of old and putting a brand new spin on things.

From socks to sock puppets, from pajamas to plush toys, diaper boxes to dolls houses; DIY is the gift that keeps on giving, kind of like the little munchkin you’re making it all for!

TotSpot is jam-packed full of gently loved kids items just bursting to be bought and used either as-is, or given a whole new twist.

Include your tot(s) in the craft making process for a terrific two-fer.

Pinterest is usually my one-stop shop for inspiring ideas, and a quick search for “Baby DIY” yields the most awe inspiring results. My personal easy favorite though? The mismatched sock snake. Too cute!

Who knows, you could even decide you’re getting so good at the whole crafting thing, so as to re-sell your crazy/cool DIY creations back through the TotSpot App. Have a cool item you’ve made and want to share it?  Send pics and videos of your TotSpot DIY creation and we will display the best ones on our Facebook page. Get crafting!
